Are you considering signing up with an online debt settlement company ? You may be surprised to learn that they can do more harm than good to your credit. Many times, bankruptcy is a better option, and we will be happy to sit down with you and thoroughly discuss your personal financial situation in order to help you decide what is the best solution your financial problems. In analyzing your particular situation, we always consider if there is an alternative to filing bankruptcy. The decision to file bankruptcy is a difficult choice for many people to make. A bankruptcy will have an effect, in some fashion, on your future credit, but will not be as harmful as having delinquent bills. Also, bankruptcy does not totally destroy your ability to get credit in the future. The decision to file bankruptcy must be carefully made in consultation with an attorney. Contact us at Kentucky Bankruptcy Attorney John Rogers at or 270-651-7777.
Debt Settlement Company
by John Rogers | Jun 11, 2024 | Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, Consumer Alerts, Consumer Bankruptcy Attorney